Grading Criteria

Attendance: Please do your very best to attend every class! Repetitive tardiness is disruptive and an increasing number of absences will affect your grade. However, in the event of an excused absence, please email me the assignment that was due for the day. Late work will subtract 10 points for every day after the date it is due. This policy will be forgiven under extenuating circumstances. If you need to communicate why you can not complete assigned work on time, please reach out and contact me as soon as possible. 



-take detailed notes in and outside of class

-seek extra help when needed

-Participate consistently, approach tasks with enthusiasm, and write thoughtfully. 

-come to class with your text, notebook, writing utensils, and knowledge and insight based on reading. Most importantly, please come with an eager and open mind. 


As a respectful participant, it is your responsibility to treat your peers and I with fairness by saving your phone calls and text conversations for later. Though I will not interrupt class to remind you to put the phones away, it will reflect in your cumulative grade. ​If you must use your phone for emergency purposes, you may certainly excuse yourself to do so. Because this class is interactive, we will frequently engage in sophisticated conversation about humanities and literary composition. It is imperative that we respect each other's opinions, perspectives, and ideas. This class will be a "judgement free zone:" similar to Planet Fitness, except even more true to its slogan! Above every aspect of your education, it is most important for you to treat your classmates and teachers with kindness and respect. We are all here to learn from one another and to support one another in maximizing learning potential. 


Analytical Essays, research paper, creative writing journal, and narratives. 


Collaboration, Participation, and Attendance

Participation is reflected on the improvement of listening/speaking skills. Preparation for class will require reading and studying literary texts outside of class time. 


Final Exam
